Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And the good news is...

    We found the perfect replacement for my mom's van. 
    I will admit that it is sometimes super easy to forget that God is taking care of you. I was feeling very dejected Friday after having failed at my first attempt at milking, going with Mom to clean out TaWanda (who I will still miss for a while. I get attached to inanimate objects, because I am weird.), test driving the only vehicle close to our price range (which was still over it a bit and would have "stretched us" as Mom puts it) that we did not like but were figuring we would have to settle for, and looking for something else to no avail. Everything was either out of our price range, or had a bazillion miles, was a bazillion years old, and/or didn't meet our needs. But then we went to a tiny little place known as Cousin's Auto Sales. It literally had maybe 10 vehicles on the lot, but amongst those ten was our perfect replacement. Our new van is a blue 2007 Chevrolet Uplander that has less miles, more room, and more features than TaWanda (a 2004 Caravan) did. He was and is in great condition, has plenty room, and isn't so different from TaWanda that we feel out of place like we did in the other vehicle. It was a leased car, so it received regular maintenance. The best part is that the price was below the price we were shooting for and mostly just figured we would be stuck with for something decent. Actually, he was advertising it as above our price range, but told us immediately the lesser amount. We didn't even have to ask. As soon as we test drove the new (to us) van, I told Mom, "This is the one." She wanted to wait until Dad could look at it to commit, but I could tell she wanted it, too. So after Dad got out of training at his new job, he went straight to the van and test drove it. He also approved immediately. His name is pending, by the way, but we definitely think he is indeed a male. All along this process I kept thinking, "Getting a new car is supposed to be exciting, but this just feels crappy." It finally got exciting when we found the blue van. 

    God takes care of His children.

-Rachel in Wonderland

P.S. - Just as a side note, I will never understand the urge people seem to have to buy brand new vehicles every four years. Why? They depreciate an incredible amount, for one. With regular maintenance, a vehicle can last for years and years. My 1997 Ford Ranger has 260,000+ miles on it, and still runs like a charm almost all of the time. Why do people want to make bad investments, and have a car note to pay every month? Why not get something you can pay off on the spot or at least shortly thereafter, and then drive it until it is literally no longer safe to drive or isn't meeting your needs? This idea that we need a brand spankin' new car every few years is just a great way to waste money.

I don't really ever want to sell my Ranger, Bloog. I do want a car one day, so that I can park more easily and carry more than one person comfortably, but for me to get around by myself to places with reasonably sized parking lots, Bloog is great. Plus, I was there when my dad bought it when I was just a kid, and it is the first vehicle I drove in by myself when I got my license. Bloog is a good truck. I think he can stick around. 

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