Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Get Home" Bags

    Hello again! Well, as the title implies, I just fixed up my parents some "Get Home" bags. What are these, you ask? Well, it's actually a pretty simple concept. "Get Home" bags are simply bags filled with supplies to get someone home from their workplace (or anywhere any distance away from their home) in case of an emergency, particularly one in which people could not safely use their vehicles or needed to get away from cities and into the woods (riots, namely). I packed away enough food for 2-3 days for my mother, but it could really last longer if she rationed it. My dad, who sometimes drives pretty far away for his job, has enough for 3-4 days, or more if he rations. I packed my mom a tool (one of those plier/pocket knife hybrids) and a pair of scissors, while my dad got a pocket knife. They both got a light blanket, which will be upgraded when winter rolls around. I tried to balance their kits based on how self-reliant they could be in the woods (Dad wins that one), how far they had to go, and how dangerous their area might be (Mom works in Memphis...yikes). I still need to add several things - like water, first aid kits, and compasses - but overall I think the "Get Home" bags could indeed get them home in case of an emergency or natural disaster. I didn't make myself one, because I travel much less and don't usually go very far when I do. That being said, though, my purse is kind of it's own kit, minus the food. ;) Now, my parents think I go overboard with "this prep stuff," and they're probably right...but...I would rather be safe than sorry. I still have a long way to go in my prepping, but at least I've made a bit of progress. One never knows what will happen, after all. 
    I live too near people to sleep easy in the case of a disaster. Don't get me wrong, I like people and I don't mind having a neighbor or two. I would just rather be somewhere where my nearest neighbors were a mile or so away, or at least somewhere that I really knew my neighbors. That is not the case here. Now, if you think about, what is one of the greatest dangers when a disaster occurs? People, particularly in cities and crowds. People panic, and that sometimes causes them to act violently towards others. They don't have preparations for emergencies, they've lost loved ones, and they may not even know what's going on; I can't really blame them for panicking (of course, there is no excuse for violence or riots, but they happen). I can only imagine how bad the riots in and near Memphis would be if there any kind of natural or unnatural disaster occurred and caused power outages or massive damage. I probably don't even need to mention the added strain of the current economic situation. 
    Riots occur for various reasons, but they can cause so much damage so quickly. Also, as people found out after Katrina, when hundreds of people are hungry and even the stores don't have enough food set back for an emergency, things can get ugly and stores can be emptied. It is in times like those when your personal safety and your access to the things you need just to survive become very threatened, very quickly. I don't want to be caught with my pants down, so to speak. I want to be ready, whether the situation be a black out, a flood (which my area did recently suffer from - thank goodness I like on a hill! But oh, those poor people who lost everything!), an ice storm/blizzard, a tornado, an earthquake, or something man made; I want to be able to protect and have supplies for my family, my friends if they could get here, and my animals. 
    In any case, here are some links you might want to peruse -

P.S. My blackberry and blueberry jams are now available! 12oz jars are $4.00. There is plenty of peach still available, but blackberry is already running low. The jam is going like hotcakes, so be sure to place your orders now. =)

Be safe, everyone!
-Rach in Wonderland

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