Sunday, April 11, 2010

Green Tea and Other Things

    Hiya, everyone! I hope that you're all enjoying the Spring weather as much as I am. It's been lovely outside. 
    Unfortunately, with that lovely weather comes bugs. Pesky, blood sucking bugs. I am, of course, talking about worms, ticks, lice, flies, and mosquitoes. Personally, I think that prevention is best when it comes to these parasites. I believe I mentioned giving the goats the old Spring-sprucing (trimming hooves and worming, in particular), but today I also gave the horses and goats some parasite powder that will take care of lice, mites, certain flies, and mosquitoes, and I also wormed Mellow (our LGD). Hopefully I can keep one step ahead of those yucky Summer bugs.
    Spring also brings green things, though! I gave the goats a tree limb with some fresh green leaves on it. They attacked that limb like little piranhas! I'm pretty glad I'm not a tree limb...I've been on the receiving end of goat molars once, and trust me, once is enough! Hah! (Remember that if your affectionate goats get  a little over-zealous with the loving, and decide to munch on your fingers!)
    In non-goat-related news, I've decided to start trying some healthy teas, such as Green Tea, Red Tea, and herbal teas. So far I've tried the green tea and the red tea. Surprisingly, I love it! It took me a while to acclimate to the green tea, which tasted like grass at first, but after drinking it for three days, it grew on me. Now I can't get enough of the stuff. I like the red tea on my first try, but that might be because I tried the Passion Fruit and Pomegranate flavor. I'm mostly sticking to the green stuff, though. If you haven't heard of the wonderful benefits of green tea, you should "Google it." I first tried it after reading an article about it benefits for weight loss - it suppresses appetite (it really works!), and is supposed to increase metabolism and boost energy. I've since read that it is also chock-full of antioxidants. Now, if I could just learn to enjoy classic Southern Sweet Tea...
    Other than that, I don't suppose that I have much news. Summer break is almost here, though. I can hardly wait for that. Well, until I blog again!

-Rach in Wonderland
Here's a picture for the road - the first Brim of the season! We put this little guy back, though. He was too small to be anyone's lunch. =]

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