Friday, February 26, 2010

Falling Down on the Job

Hello blog world! I am ashamed to admit that I have fallen down on my job of keeping you updated with the interesting (or perhaps, not so interesting) goings-on of Wonderland. To be completely honest, college finally caught up to me and caused me to fall off of the face of the earth for a while. You have my deepest apologies, I assure you.

Honestly speaking, though, there really is not much to report. Rumor ended up not being pregnant as we had thought and hoped,  our breeding plans for Spring babies fell through (getting my own buck is definitely high on my list of priorities. However, without money from selling babies, I cannot afford to build a buck pen. Oh, the conundrum.), and my dear duckies flew the coop. Yes, the pun was intended. (Honestly though, they were there one day and gone the next with no sign of foul play.)

So, right now I am focusing on keeping my goatie girls safe and healthy until Spring comes, when I am hoping and praying I will be able to work out a breeding time and be able to plan for fall babies. I feel confident in their safety, thanks to my wonderful LGD, Mellow. I can't imagine being without a livestock guardian dog. She is constantly on alert and doing her best to protect her goats. Any time a stray dog comes through the yard, Mellow is walking the fence, staying in between the threat and the goats. Today when I went down, all the goats were lazing in the sun (which I'm sure they're glad to have), and there was Mellow conked out right in the middle of them. (Of course, as soon as she heard me, she was up at alert.) Seeing them all resting together so peacefully is such a comfort and joy to my heart. It's like everything is right in the world, if only for a moment.

In other news, we got some pretty dramatic snows for our area this winter. It seemed like the bottom fell out of the snow machine; I loved it. The goats, on the other hand, were not so enamored. In fact, the poor things could barely walk on the stuff once it froze over to a more ice-like substance. They also look so scraggly now, with their winter coats all grown out. In the summer they were so sleek and lovely; now they look like hobo goats. (Yes, that's right world, I have hobo goats.) I am ready for Spring to come, for a change. Normally I hold on to my beloved winter as long as possible, but something about having so much snow has made me ready for Spring. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow, but I'm ready for sunshine, buttercups, and flip-flop weather. I'm also crossing my fingers and hoping to make it to a show or two this year. I'll keep everyone updated on that (pinky swear!)

Here are some pictures for the road:
Our snow storms usually end up consisting of snow and ice. 

I don't know why they would occasionally get in their "summer house" in the snow! Crazies! 

Now, that's more like it. We all know that house is warmer. (Rumor and Clara must be behind the wall.) 

Brownie and Sandy were wondering what the wet white stuff was. 

Of course, doing farm chores in the snow is not without its risks. I got tangled in the fence, and my friend (who came over to sled) took a picture.

God Bless! May Spring come to you all soon!

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