As for Clara, I am still waiting on her babies. Her ligaments are pretty much gone as far as I can tell, and her bag is getting fuller by the day it seems, but she just keeps me waiting. I swear, she knows what I want is bound and determined to deprive me as long as possible! Evil, calculating thing she is! ;) I am sincerely hoping she'll go while I'm on Fall break, though...preferably on the weekend while my mom, the nurse, will be here. Yes, I am a chicken, and the idea of having to assist a labor with no one around to help scares the bajeebers out of me. Hopefully the delivery will be smooth and she won't need help, though. I've got her on Red Raspberry leaf, so that should help. It tones the uterus. I know I will be keeping a doe from her, so I hope she gives me a nice one! I only plan to breed Clara one more time after this. She is only 7 years old, and does can normally be bred safely until around 10, depending on the individual doe. Of course, they can breed until they die, but that doesn't mean they should. I do not feel that it is humane to breed them until they die, and if you do that you might just bring their death on quicker. Anyways, Clara has become such a sweet pet, and the fact that she has a history of really large litters makes me worry so much. I would rather have a couple of daughters from her to continue her line, and have her around for company, than continue to breed her until she's 10 and something bad happen.
Enjoy your Fall Break, if you get one!
-Rach in Wonderland