Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Why I Became a doTERRA Wellness Advocate (And Why I Love Their Products)

If you follow me over on my Facebook page (and you should!), then you know that I recently joined doTERRA as a Wellness Advocate, which is simply their term for Independent Consultant and Wholesale Account member. What seems out of the blue has really been building over quite some time. Today I want to share with you my own journey with essential oils (EOs), why I chose doTERRA, how I use oils in my day to day life, and why I ultimately decided to become a consultant.

How I Got Started with Essential Oils and Why I Chose doTERRA

The first purchase I ever made of essential oils was lavender essential oil to fragrance my goat milk soap. I immediately fell in love with lavender. This is not surprising, considering that lavender is the overall favorite of EO consumers. It is a beautiful, soothing, and calming scent, and one that I use every single day. Since then, I have used several other EOs in my soapmaking, purely for their divine scents. Although I still use fragrance oils (FO) in my soap for certain scents, when choosing between a lavender EO or a lavender FO, the EO wins hands down every time...and that's not even a therapeutic grade EO.

This use of EOs for fragrance purposes sparked an interest in me for their other uses, primarily as aromatherapy and for topical application. So I experimented with store-bought oils. I used peppermint to repel spiders and for headaches and lavender for its peaceful aroma. And, most importantly, I began to research EOs and their uses. Boy, did that open up a whole new world for me!

Why did I chose doTERRA?

I found out that store brand EOs are not as high a grade as the oils made by doTERRA. At first I assumed these brand-wars were just a marketing ploy by companies. I can now attest from further research and personal use that nothing could be farther from the truth. When my first doTERRA order finally arrived, the first oil I opened was my beloved lavender. And you know what? I could smell the difference.

So, why is there such a big difference in potency and quality?

It all has to do with the high standards that doTERRA sets for itself. They carefully test their oils at independent laboratories for purity and quality to assure that each bottle is 100% pure essential oil. They also source their oils from the highest quality sources available. They make sure that their oils are harvested from the right plants at the right time, extracted correctly, and proven to be free from contaminants such as pesticides or fillers that would water-down the oils. Read more about this HERE.

The higher quality of doTERRA oils means that they are purer, safer, and more effective. Because they are more effective, I need to use less of them than I would a lower quality oil. Using less means that I can save money in the long run.

In short, I use doTERRA oils because I believe them to be the highest quality essential oils on the market. 

Why and How I Use Oils

Essential oils work. And they smell good doing it, too. The more that I use them, the more I grow to love them. And the more that I read about them, the more I want to use them in new and different ways that I haven't tried yet! For just one example, check out THIS STUDY that found that doTERRA's blend, On Guard, effectively attenuated influenza virus in vitro.

So, why I use oils is pretty simple. They smell great, they are completely plant-based and natural, and most importantly, they are effective. Investing in oils is investing in health.

But how do I use them in my daily life?

I am personally a big fan of diffusing oils into the air for aromatherapy, delicious scents, and air purification. Diffusing in my home also provides the added benefit of adding moisture to the air, which is especially important during winter.

Diffusing is super easy. DoTERRA offers a wide range of diffusers which can be purchased HERE. You can also use a simple tealight candle-based diffuser like the one pictured below. Simply put a few drops of your favorite oil in the top and fill with hot water. Light the tea candle below and enjoy! (The oil pictured is doTERRA's blend, Balance.)

I diffuse in my car using felt pads in a stainless steel tea strainer. The oils make my car smell heavenly, and depending on which oil I'm using, they can promote calm or alertness for long drives.

I also use the oils topically. Most oils need to be mixed into a carrier oil such as coconut oil (water does not dilute EOs), before being applied topically, but some -- such as my old favorite, lavender -- can be applied neat. DoTERRA provides instructions with each oil they sell to let you know how they can be used: by diffusing, topically with oil, topically neat, or internally. (If you have not used a specific oil topically before, it is recommended to apply a small amount to your forearm and wait 24 hours to test for sensitivity.)

One of my long-time favorite oily routines is to put a few drops of lavender on my pillow each night before going to sleep.

To learn more about essential oils and how to use them, go HERE.

Slim and Sassy Weight Loss Shakes 

Oils aren't the only doTERRA products I use! DoTERRA offers a wide range of health and wellness products from supplements to skincare to weight loss support products. One such product is their Slim and Sassy Trim Shakes.

Those who know me personally know that I am on a weight loss journey, and like any journey, it has had its ups and downs. I have been on a shake plan once before with minimal success, so I was skeptical when I saw the Trim Shake. However, reading further, I was really impressed. These doTERRA shakes are unlike any I've tried before.

First and foremost, these shakes contain no soy, no sugar, and no artificial flavors or colors. I can speak from first hand experience that it is really hard to find a shake mix without soy proteins. The ones I have found have been highly unpalatable. But these Trim Shakes not only have no soy, they taste great, too!

The Trim Shakes are sweetened with Stevia and come in both chocolate and vanilla. They blend smoothly, contain a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals, and have 8 grams of protein in one scoop (just the powder). But what I really love about these shakes is doTERRA's two special ingredients: EssentraTrim and Solathin.

EssentraTrim is a extract from ashwagandha leaves and roots and has been shown to support weight loss by controlling the release of the stress hormone cortisol. It has also shown to help curb carbohydrate cravings (a huge struggle of mine), stress-induced appetite, and overeating while supporting healthy blood sugar levels and energy.

Solathin is a special protein derived from potatoes that supports increased feelings of satiety. It has demonstrated an ability to help control snacking and overeating and to make you feel full longer. I can personally attest to the fact that I can go hours after drinking a Trim Shake and not feel hungry -- something that never happened with previous shakes I have tried. I don't get hungry two hours after finishing a Trim Shake. On one busy day, I drank a shake between 9 and 10:00 am, but wasn't able to drink my next shake until about 3:00 pm. Although I was certainly hungry by the time I got to lunch, it was a manageable hunger -- I wasn't starving.

I love that doTERRA didn't just make a meal-replacement shake...they made a meal-replacement shake that helps promote appropriate eating habits and weight loss even after it has been consumed. I have never personally had a shake that I felt was actually benefiting me in ways other than limiting my caloric intake until Trim Shake.

I understand that weight loss shakes, no matter how awesome, are not a long-term solution or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. However, I feel that using these shakes in conjunction with developing overall healthier habits will be a huge help in my weight loss journey. They could also be useful for maintaining a healthy weight by providing a quick and easy breakfast or lunch on the run as an alternative to fast food. And at just $1 per serving,* you can't find a cheaper meal! (*Price calculated using the wholesale account price for the shakes and not including the cost of your liquid of choice.)

I personally mix my shakes using raw pastured cow's milk, which I feel nicely rounds out my "meal" by adding additional vitamins and minerals and sufficient calories for meal-replacement (if mixed with water, the Trim Shakes would only contain 70 calories per serving, which is not sufficient for meal replacement). I'm drinking a chocolate raw milk Trim Shake for lunch as I type right now!

Learn more about these awesome shakes HERE and purchase HERE.

The Loyalty Rewards Program

The Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP)  may be my favorite thing about this company. When I joined as a Wellness Advocate, I set up my monthly order of Trim Shakes to ship automatically. By joining the LRP, I automatically receive points toward free products every time my order ships! This means that simply by making a purchase I would be making anyway, I get to earn free doTERRA products (with the added convenience that I don't have to worry about forgetting to re-order my shakes on time and running out!) I can also earn the free product of the month if my order totals 125 pv and is placed prior to the 15th!

The LRP also does not require a minimum purchase order! Although there is a minimum order to receive product points -- 50 pv -- there is not a minimum order to stay in the program. If at any time I need or want to make a smaller purchase I can simply go into my doTERRA online office and edit my monthly order. No stress! Learn more HERE.

Why I Became a Wellness Advocate 

Finally, the million dollar question!

Setting up a wholesale account just makes sense. It is the wisest and most affordable way to purchase from doTERRA. It allows me access to the awesome Loyalty Rewards Program and provides a hefty discount on all products. For just $35 a year, I get to earn free products and get a 25% discount off of the retail price! To give you a real-life example of how much this benefits me, and can benefit YOU, Trim Shakes (which I am using daily and ordering monthly) retail for $52.67. With a wholesale account, they are only $39.50! That means that if I were to buy just one shake mix a month for only three months, I would save $39.51 and more than pay for my yearly membership fee.

Being a Wellness Advocate also allows me to share doTERRA with others and earn bonus products and even commission in the process..but without any pressure. I have been a consultant for another company in the past, and although I loved their products, I didn't love the minimum sales requirement in order to stay in the program. With doTERRA, I don't have to sell anything, buy anything, or sign anyone else on in order to continue being a Wellness Advocate and reaping the benefits of the wholesale account. This program is truly all rewards and no pressure.

Hey Wait! I Want In On This!

I thought you might!


Any Questions?

If you are unsure how to purchase or sign on for a Wholesale Account or the Loyalty Rewards Program, or if you have any questions at all, CONTACT ME. I am here to answer any questions you have!



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