Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is it Fall yet?

    I am so sick of summer. I know that sounds horribly pessimistic, but it's true. Granted, when the winter months start getting old, and classes start back and get into full swing, I will probably miss these almost-care free summer days. But I just don't think I take any more of this sweltering heat, and this humidity that you could cut with a butter knife! It's no doubt that summer has it's perks - no freezing water, no college classes, gardens grow, fruit is in season. However, it has a down side for nearly every upside. Standing still sweat pours off my face, animals - like my currently-indoor-but-is-supposed-to-be-outdoor bunny - are at danger of heat stroke, people are at danger of heat stroke, water must be changed more frequently. Not to mention the fact that, with heat indexes up to 120, it's almost impossible to get anything done outside without fearing for your well being. I have a list of outdoor chores that just keeps getting longer, but every time I try to start on them the heat sucks all of the energy right out of me. The heat wouldn't be so bad, really, if it weren't so darn humid. Either way, though, I've got weeds to chop (which, let's face it, won't be), goat blood to draw (tried this once, but couldn't get the hair shaved, which prevented us from being able to see the vein. I'm investing in some battery powered clippers and we're giving it another go this weekend.), shots to give (CD&T), fences to improve, a coop to improve, barns to clean out, and wood to burn. Oh, how I do not want to burn that wood right now - in fact, it will probably be piled up there for a good while. I'll just call it an emergency heat source. Yeah, that's it...emergency heat source. That's a perfectly logical explanation for a pile of scrap barn wood! 
    Honestly, though, I don't feel like doing much of anything outdoors right now. This is the hottest summer that I can remember. Last year was extremely wet, and we only had a few weeks of hellish temperatures. I griped about the rain and it's undoing of our garden last year, but I think I'd like it back now. I am sincerely hoping that neither Clara nor Rumor kid this month. They *could* kid any time between the 14th of this month and November, but my personal guess is September. I don't think I will intentionally breed does who even could be due in this weather again, though. You live and learn, and then get Luvs. Ah, wait, that's only if you have human kids... 
    The good news, though, is that fall is on the horizon! I noticed today that some of the corn crops are already turning. It excited me more than a little. The first sign of fall is here! Soon the leaves will turn, and grass will die, and that beautiful autumn smell will be swirling outside with leaves...I can almost feel the crispness now. Autumn is my favorite time of year, and always has been. I love different things about all the seasons (though I can't remember what it was I liked about summer right now...), but there is just something special about fall. One of my favorite sensations is walking outside on a cool October day, seeing the earth painted in reds, oranges, yellows, and browns, and smelling that smell that only comes on autumn winds. Oh, and the pumpkins! Pumpkins, Indian Corn, corn mazes, candy corn, piles of leaves, apples pies! Halloween, Thanksgiving! I cannot wait! 
    Oops, I'm getting away from myself. I had another reason for posting, other than just to complain about summer and pine after fall! While at Tractor Supply last Friday, Mom and I picked up some chicks. Don't worry, I mean the little fuzz ball kind with wings! We got two White Leghorn sexed chicks (pullets), five Easter Eggers, two Black Australorps, and three Buff Orpingtons. I am hoping that we will have more pullets than cockerels out of the straight-run bunch, especially from the Orpingtons and Easter Eggers. However, any extra roos won't be that big of a deal; they will be sold or sent to freezer camp. I'm actually hoping for maybe one rooster to send to freezer camp. I'm anxious to try homegrown chicken, and to get the daunting task of our first home butcher out of the way. Everyone I have talked to who raises their own meat have said that the first time is the hardest, but after that you realize that it's better tasting, better for you, and that the animal had a better life than the chickens/whatever in the store. 
    Anyways, I only have a couple decent chick pictures. They moved around so much while I was trying to take them that I'm surprised I even got one! I keep meaning to take more now that they're a lot less fuzzy and more feathery, but I haven't gotten around to it. I'll stick the decent pictures I have at the bottom. 
    As for the adult chickens, well, they're spoiled. Yes, I have already managed to spoil my feathered egg laying friends. Every time I come to the barn, they walk up to their fence and watch me, waiting to see if I have more watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas, or what have you. It's really kind of adorable. They also have given us two eggs yesterday and the day before! They hadn't been laying so well because of the heat, despite adequate shade and fresh water. I can't say that I blame them. I still hope they will have layed two more when I go out tonight! There were none as of my mid-day check. Dad ate the first homegrown egg last night, which I attempted to fry for him. It ended up half fried and half scrambled, but he said the taste was far better than any store bought eggs! He said it must be all the bugs they eat. ;)  I could tell how much darker the yolk was, too. I haven't had a chance to taste one for myself yet. 
    Well, that's enough rambling. "See" you later!

-Rach in Wonderland

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